Originally Posted by WhisperFan
I personally think that a full size bolt action rifle with a 16 inch barrel looks funny.
If you think thats funny, wait till none of the published data for subsonics (the reason you're going to get a can) produce their published velocities because the last 5 inches of your barrel is producing drag on your projectiles. Funnier still when the cold end of the barrel gathers extra fouling and slows them down even more
Your can will sure be quiet though, provided the reduced/ erratic velocities dont produce too many baffle strikes.
I personally think when you go out of your way to chamber a rifle for a "specialty cartridge" your barrel should compliment the catridge's characteristics.
Using appearence as logic to determine barrel length is analogous to taking a Mercedes to a tractor pull. I think Michael Jackson looks funny and I'd never chamber him in 300 whisper either.