whisper on deer
Hey Cherokee,
Tell me about your deer with the 150gr BT's. So far no responses to my request for personal experiences with the 125's on big whitetails. Our deer here in IL are rarely under 200lbs (field dressed) if you wait for a mature buck, and all info I've read so far suggests 150 yards is absolute max range for the 125gr., and that's from people who are hunting much smaller deer. What about the 150? Where is best bullet placement? Will it go through shoulder bone and still exit? Sorry to bombard you with questions, but I absolutely LOVE big whitetails and don't want to learn at their expense any more than absolutely necessary. Also possibly pertinent, I subscribe to the high shoulder/spine area logic as the perfect shot placement, so that may further limit the effective range of the whisper for me. Any and all info you can pass on will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance,X