Thread: .338 whisper
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Old 04-21-2005, 09:53 AM
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Quarterbore Quarterbore is offline
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Originally Posted by fspic
I talked to SSK Industries about this and they said it isn't necessary to notify the ATF (I am interpreting the brief comment) to make sure the thing is listed as a (dealer) converted rifle of legal overall length and minimum barrel length.
I agree, you don't need to let the BATFE know as there is nothing they can or are going to do with that info... As for making a "LISTING" change... this is not an NFA registered weapon so it can not be changed! once a pistol always a pistol... once a rifle always a rifle!

Originally Posted by fspic
I think that if something with identical receivers in rifle and pistol form (as with this design) is changed to the rifle format then it is an uncheangeable rifle forever unless authority is obtained under a particular license to "de-convert".
I disagree 100%... You have a pistol and it was sold and transfered as a pistol. While it is completely legal to configure a pistol as a rifle the pistol always remains a pistol. This normally more of a problem with a receiver built as a rifle as you can NEVER make a pistol from a rifle receiver... Take as an example an AR-15 rifle... we can not legally make a pistol from it but we can buy a new stripped lower and build a pistol... I use this to my advantage as my AR-15 Pistol was first assembled as a pistol. Now I can configure it as a rifle and shoot it and then convert back to a pistol any time I want... yes, with the XP-100 it isn't as easy but the law is still the same...

Originally Posted by fspic
Not an issue as when I find the damn thing I will have made the inquiry with the ATF and possibly ship to Douglas who will mount such a barrel for $395 in my choice of length and caliber.
Following up with the BATFE is not a bad idea but really not necessary IMHO... The only real concern I would have is that it would be a pistol on the books even though it looks like a rifle. I have no idea what that might do to any state or city laws that you live under as it is a crazy sort of example...

Otherwise, still sounds like a fun project... Good Luck!
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