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Old 09-26-2008, 08:28 PM
JFettig JFettig is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: MN
Posts: 197
My New Hunting Load! Barnes 100gr X

If you read the "Favorite bullet for supersonic hunting? " thread, cav_scout_tj pointed out the barnes 100gr X bullets for 30 carbine. I picked up a box of these, due to the large tip I didn't think they'd feed real well so I turned some delrin tips and an insertion tool. I've turned about 10 tips now, shot a few to work up the load then one into water.
This is what the cavity of this bullet looks like:

Heres a pic of the results!

I filled up a 1 gallon ice cream pail full of water then set a full 1gal milk jug behind it(all I could find to sacrafice) then shot through those into my gravel backstop. The water from the ice cream pail shot up at least 12-15 feet! It went through both and into the backstop about 3-4". When searching for the bullet I was getting wet because the tree above me was all wet.
It opened fully, final diameter of .540".

My load development was a little dissapointing, if you look at that flatened out primer, those are mil-spec CCI #41 primers and they are flat! I only got it up to 2150fps. 18.2gr H110. These are loaded just off the lands and the final OAL is still only 2.05". I haven't shot for SD, ES, or accuracy yet. I'll load a few samples and take them to the range sometime soon.

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