Thread: Brass Prices
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Old 08-12-2008, 01:42 PM
Hoser Hoser is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 342
I built a Lilja barreled 8 inch upper to play with. Should go well with my Shark Ti can.

And I also have a 17.0 inch Lilja barrel for a Remington 700. Waiting for the stock to show up so I can work up a load for it. If I ever get any 302 Whisper chamber and reloading data, I will just recut the chamber.

I tried to cut back some 223 brass, but that just took waaaaay too much friggin time. 221 brass much easier and faster.

Run them through my 1050, trim/chamfer them on my Giraud and its off to the races.

I am still going to stick with a 223 for IPSC though.
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