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Old 08-02-2008, 03:08 PM
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gunz8541 gunz8541 is offline
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Posts: 7
Phrobis 3rd Gen w/stamped number on reverse

Hi guys:

Since I'm new to your forum, I apologize in advance if this has already been hashed out. I searched for a thread on it, but couldn't find one. Here goes:

I am aware of the "chevrons" being pulled back and numbered to be released to both Phrobis and Buck. Is there any information about a 3rd gen Phrobis with the same type of stamped in numbers on the reverse ricasso? I have one and it is NOT engraved nor etched in. It is stamped and looks just like the "chevron" stamping with their nubmering system.

Any info or ideas would be appreciated.

Thanx again........gunz8541
Semper Fi !
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