I think you have taken my previous postings wrong. Mr. Moon and I have been corresponding with each other for quite some time off this forum and my comments were just a friendly poke at him. Fabrizio, I apologize if my comments offended you.
I believe your other comments were aimed at me directly. I do not feel that I am accountable to anyone for what I choose to do or not do, but I will respond to your comments. The interoffice memo you mentioned was seen by most of us at the same time when Joe Houser included it with an auction item. Joe mailed a copy to me at my request. Before I even received it you had posted your copy that you must have received via email. Once you posted it there wasn't any sense in someone else putting it up there. As far as other information is concerned, go to the historical pages. I spent a lot of time going over the pages with QB and correcting or clarifying information. I respond to just about every question that is presented and I can't think of any time that I didn't share my information and knowledge freely.
When I started uploading photographs to the server I created a folder titled "porterkids". I was putting these pictures on the server for all to see, again to share my knowledge with other interested collectors. I just recently found out that my folder is not accessable to others. I don't know how to change that and I haven't had time to look into it or to move the files to a different folder. If I didn't want anyone to see them I wouldn't have gone through the trouble of uploading them to begin with.
I guess I'm guilty of making my posts friendly or familiar instead of factual. I won't let that happen again. If any of you have issues with anything I may post in the future please contact me directly and let's leave the forum for its intended purpose.