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Old 07-22-2008, 06:29 AM
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Carlo Carlo is offline
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M9 Bayonet Collectors Club
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Italy
Posts: 487
I wouldn't take it too personal.
A forum is a place to share informations with other collectors, but I personally don't see anything terrible if someone were not going to inform the others about a new source for M9s.
If the "rule" here was as follows: as a member of the forum/website you HAVE to share all the informations you have, well then I'm asking myself while I was the only one to post the Buck Interoffice memo about the chevron mark (Rex was, indeed, ready to post it too), the newspaper articles about Finn/Phrobis trial, the Homer Brett article about the sharpening stone and so on.
Am I the only one with the above informations? I don't think so, considering that I'm living in Italy and not in the USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Was I offended because of it? Of course, not!
Also, I saw forum members uploading pictures in the server, here on this website, with a password!
What is the logic about it? Honestly I don't know, as I upload pictures here because I want to share them with the other collectors of this forum. If I didn't want to show a picture I would not post it anywhere, period.
The bottom line of these few words (in my terrible english) is that everytime someone post here pictures, informations, articles he gives a great present to the whole collector's community!
If someone didn't reveal a source to purchase M9s, that's exactly the same as not posting informations/materials he has or share a picture ...... and this happens and happened many time before!
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