Jarhead is 90% correct.
If you have an AR it's not really worth it as NO subsonic loads will cycle the action & you have to dismount rifle & manually cock it to cycle then remount & shoot. PIA
W/a bolt .223 or I have a KelTec SU16C that has a bolt handle on it w/a 20-30 round mag & it works well.
Heaviest bullets that I've gotten to stay stable are the 69g SMKs.
Tried 80g Bergers & at 25 yards @ 1050 fps they were going thru the target sideways. NO I did not have my can on it.
69g SMKs w/4.7g of TB gives me about 1040fps out of 20"AR.
Haven't clocked 16" KelTec but I know its subsonic.
This has more energy than most .22 subsonic Rimfire loads.
40g .22 Rimfire @ 1040 fps approx 78ft# @ 100 yards
55g .223 @ 1060 fps (3.2g Clays or 3.1g Tite Group) approx 114ft# @ 100 yards
60g Aguillas fall in here BUT you need a VERY fast twist barrel to stabilize
69g .223 @ 1060 fps approx 150ft# @ 100 yards