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Old 07-04-2008, 04:29 PM
olsson olsson is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 2
Magasine and floorplate

This is my first thread. I am a month into my project of a 300whisper based upon a Remington 700 .222.
I am on the way to order a jeweltrigger, but are not sure what kind of floorplate and 5-10 shoot magazines (.223) that I should buy that will feed the 240gr SMK. I am looking at both the HS precision and Badger, help from experience holder of a 300whisper would be highly appreciated. Thank you.

The barrel will be a 1:8 LotharWalter, lenght 17.7 inches. Silencer is a SAI carbon, it only weighs 395gram (6095grain) and give an additional lenght of 3,8 inches on the barrel. I will use the 221fireball that I will neck up.

When I get the paintjob done, I promise some pictures. It will be very short and "tight" rifle for plinking and hunting.

Thank you all for reading this post and helping me out. If you have other ideas and recommendatin please let me know

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