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Old 06-24-2008, 11:15 AM
pwcosol pwcosol is offline
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Posts: 161

What Homer B. had to say is most informative. It seems surprising (or maybe not so much) it took two years to resolve the issue of the stone. Since LanCay was able to eliminate the stone protector strap from their initial contract with the Army, this was easier to accomplish than have it reinstituted! Why LanCay sought to delete the need for the strap in the first place, & the Army allowed it, would be interesting to know. I think one of the primary problems encountered, & made clear by Homer, was difficullties encountered with governmental bureaucrats. During the course of production these people came & went, so they were always dealing with different people in positions of authority, whom may have held opposing views when it came to incorporating changes in the M9 design....
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