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Old 05-25-2008, 12:40 PM
GaryM GaryM is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 27
Adjustable gas tune/velocity discovery

I was doing more function test on my AR yesterday. Even though it was cycling just fine it wouldn't lock back the bolt on the last round. I opened up the gas tube (ArmeForte, from 3/4 turns to 1 1/2 turns) and found it did lock back just fine. I then took over to the chrony and found my muzzle velocity had dropped from averaging 1020-1050 all the way down into the 970 range.
I had no idea the gas system used that much energy.
Another thing I ran across a few weeks back was how the trigger group can drastically affect cycling. I found that a reduced power trigger spring can fix some of those short cycling problems. I guess the energy needed to pushthe hammer back down is more important than I had thought.
Anyway, just thought you guys might like to know.

BTW, the rifle in these tests is as follows;
16" ER Shaw barrel, trigger group is a Bill Springfield modified factory group. Rifle length buffer with cut down recoil spring.
Ammo is 200gr hardcast gc over 10.3grs of WC680.
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