Thread: Group issues
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Old 04-29-2008, 07:36 PM
pug pug is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 286
The guns are capable of sub 1/4" groups but that doesn't mean you will get it. Generally for horizontal stringing I try to determine if it is from heat first. Walking due to heat generally causes the first point of impact to be close to on target. The second one is off to the side a fair amount the third is off even further but not as far off from second to third as was first to second. So on with the fourth and it usually settles in by the 5th shot. The group size of six - ten give a pretty good indication of what it will shoot. This isn't an exact description but one sure sign of heat is when you let it fully cool it does the exact same thing again and then again. Could be a barrel extension to receiver alignment causing some movement too. Check the crown of the barrel to make sure no dings there it will cause them to throw off. Make sure barrel nut is tight. If using optics you will want to try at least one other to make sure it isn't moving due to recoil. Hope you figure it out.
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