Thread: Group issues
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Old 04-29-2008, 02:38 PM
RWBlue RWBlue is offline
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 88
Group issues

I am having issues getting my AR Whisper to group. The groups are generally horizontal. They are 3-4 inches at 100 yards.

I am shooting a barrel with a good twist and good manufacturer. JP adjustable gas port. I am shooting off the bench (not something I do on a regular basis).

I have tried this with Reeds ammo and my reloads loads (most of the brass is first time through the gun). The chronograph data tells me that the load is fairly consistent (mine and Reeds).

It could be me. I am not a bench rest shooter, but I am doing better with my other rifles.

It could be the attachment of the suppressor. I am using a Gemtech QD.

What is considered a good group for a semi-auto AR Whisper? Am I asking too much from this gun?
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