Thread: LanCay Bayonets
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Old 04-26-2008, 04:47 PM
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porterkids porterkids is offline
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M9 Bayonet Collectors Club
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I have very few duplicates, especially when it comes to the common stuff. The tan bayonets near the center of the group have the unit markings on the blade (101st, 82nd, 10th Mtn & Special Forces). I have these only in tan. That is the color that Lan-Cay was making them in when they were first made. You can obviously have them in a multitude of colors, but I've decided that one of each blade marking is sufficient. The tan bayonets near the left side with the MOLLE scabbards are USMC trials pattern with the EGA and USMC markings, no M9 marking. One with a standard blade and one with the holes. As I said, there are a few duplicates but not many.
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