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Old 04-19-2008, 01:21 AM
AlcoholicusMaximus AlcoholicusMaximus is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 39
Well, I tried 8.5gr. AA#9 with 220gr.SMK's & CCI 450 primers.
This load failed to cycle. Tried again with 8.8gr. of AA#9
This load also failed to cycle. For reference, the load that cycled my 16" barrel,8.5 gr. Alliant 2400, 220gr.SMK's, also failed to cycle in the 10.5"bbl.
After scouring this site for info,it seems as though my port may be a bit narrow. The main reason for keeping the gas port as narrow as possible is so that I can use supersonic ammo without hammering brass & rifle components.To achieve this, a lighter buffer,carrier,or less spring pressure may all need to be considered.Soon, the Noveske Switchblock may be available and allow widening of the port for subsonic ammo.
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