Thread: U.S. v. Owens
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Old 03-07-2005, 02:57 PM
cbsaf cbsaf is offline
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Posts: 3
So how do they know the guy behind the counter wasn't a moron? If the ATF guy asked him to put it together like he claimed wouldn't that be aiding and abetting a felony(sp)? Heck, I can give a 5 year old whiskey and throw him in a car and when the police find him it is my ass not his. This guy's day would have been different if the ATF guy would have not instigated the illegal act. Also, if he didn't install the upper as he claimed he didn't then was the crime suppesed to be selling an uninstalled short barrel with a rifle? Wouldn't that make selling a glock handgun with a carbine conversion kit that has a stock unit at the same time illegal as hell? When are they going to come up with common sence firearms rules and warn people of their actions if they make a mistake and give them a second chance and a classroom exercise on firearms laws instead of a jail cell? If you do something illegal in a car because your stupid, not a blatent criminal, they send you to traffic school and all is well but mess up with any firearm and you are toast. Shameful!! I am still waiting for Senator Kerry to go to prison for accepting that illegal gift shotgun out of state but I guess the rule don't apply if you make over a certain income or have a certain job. :roll:
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