Thread: m-9 on e-bay
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Old 03-18-2008, 07:55 AM
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porterkids porterkids is offline
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M9 Bayonet Collectors Club
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 675
These bayonets were made by Marto in Spain for the American Historical Foundation for use on their Desert Storm Commemorative Plaque. When the ad first appeared for the plaque it pictured a bayonet that was marked M9 over MARTO on the left ricasso. It was brought to AHF's attention that Marto was not licensed to sell the M9 bayonet in the US; they were only licensed to market the bayonets with their name in Europe. To get around this situation they removed their name from the bayoinet and left only the M9 marking.

Apparently they made more bayonets than plaques and the excess bayonets were sold on the commercial market here in the US. They came with a Phrobis scabbard but there was one difference with the scabbard. It did not have the Bianchi fastener. In its place was a loop of web material with a snap.
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