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Old 02-25-2008, 07:21 AM
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Carlo Carlo is offline
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M9 Bayonet Collectors Club
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Italy
Posts: 487
I have a question that I wanted to ask in the past about the General Cutlery LANCAY but I didn't for a simple reason.
I don't want the forum readers to think that I'm goign to re-sell a bayonet that I have, trying to gain a profit from what it is not.
Anyway, I managed to buy, back in 2003, what I beleived was a General Cutlery LANCAY.
I soon discovered that it was part of the lot that was re-assembled in 2002.
1) the pommell was un-marked but in black color, not gray;
2) the Fastex was marked 95;
3) the scabbard was of the second contract.
Few years later, I was able to find few parts from a LanCay first contract:
1) correct un-marked grey pommell;
2) correct first contract scabbard (four loops, sharpening stone, marked LANCAY);
3) correct early wire cutter plate, with screw driver at the end, not side.
There was only a "problem"....the Fastex I found was marked 94-95 (don't remember now), not 92.
Now my questions are:
a) Considering what I wrote before and assuming I would be able to find a correct top web assembly (92 marked), would then still be possibile to say that the bayonet I have came from the 2002 lot?
Just to be clear: I will NOT sell it on ebay saying that it is an original General Cutlery...just wanted to know if I should start looking for a duplicate or not.
b) In the messages above, someone talked about a difference on the blade, between an "original" General Cutlery and the re-assembled 2002 lot.
I would be interested to know if this difference is visible or not;
c) Am I correct saying that the Gen. Cutl. re-assembled LANCAYs, in 2002, used original Gen. Cutlery blades?
Apologize for my english!
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