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Old 02-09-2008, 03:33 PM
Bigfoot Bigfoot is offline
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 42
Size of game with supersonic 125 gr TNT?

I can't find out much about the TNTs performance on anything larger than varmints. I've seen it mentioned here for yotes and rabbits. I'm interested in it for 100-150 lb blacktail deer in rainy, heavy woods. Tracking is a pain so I need to drop them right now. I know that the TNT will break-up, that's a plus as long as it penetrates 12" or so for behind the shoulder shots.

From the 12" penetration request you might have guessed that will be used for SD as well. From a 7.62x39 Mini-30 with a .308 bore.

I think the 125 BT would work but I'd like to hear about the 125 TNT as well.

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