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Old 02-16-2005, 01:39 PM
jripper jripper is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 52
I ignored one fact when I posted my reply: Corbon factory was not seating.

Are the rounds out of size, or is the bolt just not going fully into battery?
To find out, if you have a round that does not want to go into battery, after you do get the round fully into the chamber, manually eject it. If it is hard to eject, then it is the round.

However, if not, it may be the bolt.

Are you using a Model 1 bolt and carrier?

My was very stiff and would not always go fully into battery when I first started using it. I had to break in my bolt, until it cycled smoothly in the gun.

You might check this, before going to too much working turning necks.
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