Thread: I want an upper
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Old 02-11-2005, 07:29 PM
papa_smurf762 papa_smurf762 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 2
AR15 upper


I'm having an upper put together by (Randall)

I met him at the shot show this year, he seems pretty cool. It's a side business for him.

I'll be posting pictures as soon as it's done. I'm waiting on parts to come in before i send him my stuff.

It'll be a 10" barrel 1/8" twist, with the Troy suppressor guide machined into the end. It'll have a pistol length gas system with adjustable tube.

I'm probably going to shoot subsonic-suppressed almost exclusively.

I guess i won't be able to test it until my SBR paperwork goes through. The ATF has been very slow lately i guess. It might be the end of april before it goes through. If you're patient, you might wait for the full report when it's ready.

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