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Old 01-06-2008, 11:09 PM
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amafrank amafrank is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 197
That is indeed an MP28 mag. The germans didn't copy the sten mag it was actually the other way around. The limeys copied the MP28 (without paying for or receiving any sort of license) and they also copied the mags for the Lanchester submachinegun. The sten was a simplification of the lanchester program which was too complex and expensive. The mags were carried on from the lanchester to the sten and thats why the MP28 mags look so much like them. MP28 mags are not too common and if that one is nice its probably worth enough to cover more than your costs on the sten mags. Prices run anywhere from $50 to $100 per mag depending on condition and whether there are any sten mag parts inside...

Good find.

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