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Old 01-04-2008, 12:42 PM
rumlover rumlover is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 113
Request to the Moderators


Since many of us are working on sub sonic load development, can we put up permanent sticky's for reloading by powder for the more popular cartridges?

For Example:
308/Trailboss development
308/ H110 development
300 Whisper/ H110
50 Alaskan/ RE7

The organization would be helpfull in getting the info out there so we don't duplicate failures or create dangerous loads.

I would also suggest requiring as much infomation about the load, gun and especially the barrel to give us an idea of where to adjust fire if our barrels are longer/shorter, tighter, slower twist, etc...

Just a thought...

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