Thread: 25x45 or 25/223
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Old 12-09-2007, 09:38 PM
sharps54 sharps54 is offline
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25x45 or 25/223

Anyone tried this one? I was researching 6x45 for hunting with the AR15 and came across someone offering the 223 necked up to 25. I know the 6x45 will push the same weight bullet a bit faster then a 223 but I don't know if the quarterbore will go past the point of diminishing returns. The other issue would be OAL in the magazine. Since I don't varmint hunt (at the moment) a 25 makes more sense to me, especially if I can use the same bolt, magazines, and cases like the 6x45. I don't mind handloading but would like to stay with more common components and spare parts then the .25 WSSM would allow. If you could get 250 Savage performance out of an 20" AR that would be plenty, that may be way to optimistic though.
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