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Old 12-07-2007, 09:59 AM
Pitt300 Pitt300 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 184
Don't rule out Model 1 sales!
I have one of their 300 uppers & initial supersonic loads are about 1" w/out tweaking anything. (only fired about 12 rounds total to get it sighted in & check operation of gun)
Haven't fired any subsonics yet as I won't get my can until this weekend & I did not want to "waste" the ammo by knowing that it would not cycle.
I ordered the upper "custom built" and after receiving & shooting it I realized that my AAC FH did not fit flush against the barrel shoulder @ the muzzle.
They had threaded it to 0.640" I think.
AAC specs 0.600" so I called them because I was concerned that I might get a baffle strike if everything wasn't square.
They said "Send it back"!
I did & w/in about a week I had it back ecactly as I needed.
They are now using AAC's specs for threading (at least on 5/8x24 threads).
I'm now looking @ buying a 14.5" barrel in .223 & having them weld my AAC FH to it so that it will have a total length of 16+" so no SBR paperwork needed & it is the same animal!
Good luck w/your project & I WILL buy from M1S again!
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