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Old 09-11-2007, 12:18 PM
redneckdan redneckdan is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 29
Sorry for the delay in getting back to all ya'll. The loads shot just fine, I have at the moment about 1k cast rounds through my del-ton upper 16" flat-top upper, 1:8 twist, carbine gas port at .110" diameter. Load was 14.0gr of H4227, bastardized Lake City brass and CCI small rifle primers. There is much more carbon build up in the bolt carrier, but it is much, much softer than the carbon build up you get from standard ammo, I figure its from the bullet lube. There is no lead build up in the gas tube or bolt carrier. The mold is a Lee .308 210gr HBC, no longer in production. Balistic co-efficent is in the neighborhood of .5, I haven't had a chance to do serious testing yet. Accuracy is excellent, again no significant testing but with the BSA 'holosight' I have been able to wack rabbits in my back yard out to 77 yds (lazed with range finder).

I'd say give lead bullets a shot. The biggest factors for leading are undersized bullets and lube failure. Slug your bore and size to .001" over groove diameter. Lee alox works for lube, my home recipe is 80% beeswax, 10% ivory soap and 10% peanut oil.

God forbid, if you do get leading, soak the parts in a mixture of (by volume) 50% store bought white vinegar and %50 hydrogen peroxide (3% stength, the kind you buy over the counter). This disolved the lead and it scrubs out easily.
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