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Old 01-28-2005, 11:47 AM
jripper jripper is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 52
case forming problems

I just got a redding trim/form die yesterday. I think I know what the problem is. I think to use this die properly, your shell plate has to go all the way to the base of the die. I know in my Lyman Orange Crusher, it I do this, the die is too far into the press threads to use.

I noted that on Reddings web sight, they catalog an extended shell holder. I assume that this would had length to the shell holder, and bring die up higher. I take it that you are supposed to trim the case while it is still in the die, using something? (a file maybe?). It looks like if you did this, it would turn out to be the right length. I think that instead of spending another $15 on the extended shell holder, I will send my die back, and use the standard form die without the expander plug/rod. I am then going to take the case, put it into my case trimmer, and cut if off using a dremel tool, just where the case necks down from the .30 size to the original .223 case. I will then trim it the rest of the way using my case trimmer.

This will save me about $55 and I don't know that it will be much harder.

I got part of this idea from, under his case forming method.
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