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Old 03-23-2005, 10:47 PM
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Quarterbore Quarterbore is offline
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Quote:porterkids wrote:
Buyers should be very careful when purchasing GenCut M9s. Many bayonets were put together around 2002 using older blades with newer component parts. Things to look for are unmarked pommel, screw driver at the end, not side, of the cutter plate and a 92 dated Fastex connector.

Quote:Slufstuff wrote:
I agree with Bill, You need to know what you are looking at when you look to buy a General Cutlery bladed M9. Bill gives good points, I will only clarify that the original GI contract Gen. Cutlery blade M9 has NO LanCay markings on the butt. The 2002 put togethers he refers to will have late production Lan-Cay marked butt pieces. The example of put together I examined also had a slight, but noticeably different blade profile compared to the genuine USGI GenCut M9.
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