Thread: I want an upper
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Old 01-27-2005, 10:50 AM
jripper jripper is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 52
want an upper

JD Jones at SSK, if you can afford to fork out the $1000 plus for an upper only, is probably the best one from what I have read and learned.

If you don't have that much to spend, Model 1 Sales sells an upper without a bolt/carrier for $325. I have one and am happy with it, altough it may take some tinkering to get it right (see my post Model 1 Sales upper funtction problems). I believe their web sight is Model 1 sells both barrels and complete uppers. I have not heard anything about his quality but he has a pretty informative web sight. I think his complete upper is around $600. ( I think is the web sight) also sells 300 whisper uppers. I have heard or one or two people with these, that are pretty happy with them. I think that they go for around $600.

Quality of the Model 1 is quite good, and mine shoots 1 MOA with Remington bulk 125 psp reloads, but you will probably have to do some minor modifications to get it to work right.

Good luck
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