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Old 07-12-2007, 10:31 AM
Jeekinz Jeekinz is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 2
Originally Posted by Davidfxs
Jimmy is Correct.

You can weld aluminum with a standard MIG welder, but you need to change your Gas to Pure Argon.
You also need the aluminum kit for the lead. I have a small Lincoln 175 that I use for steel and aluminum. I repair small displays and have to change the spool every so often. To make this a little easier, I just run straight argon for both metals. The salesperson at my welding supply described it perfectly: "Trying to weld aluminum with a 6' lead is like trying to push a chain from the last link"

Someday I'll shell out the cash for either a TIG or spoolgun/mig combo.
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