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Old 07-10-2007, 07:33 PM
kurtz kurtz is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Southwest Louisiana
Posts: 172
I had thought about trying a polygonal barrel but was a little chicken until I learned more about them....I knew that HK built production pistols and rifles with polygonal barrels but had not really thought about it until PacNor cut my last barrel and I saw polygonal listed as a barrel option......Hey, if Tubbs is using one it's kinda hard to argue with that, that guy is so talented I have a feeling if he was using a drinking straw and a hand full of peas he would be tough to beat....

The 220 SMK sub-sonics in the 24" 1:11 barrel kinda make a loud POP not so much a BOOM like in the 16" and yaw really hard at 100 yards....I was shooting on a rainey day a put one through the 100 yard 1/2" plywood target frame and could hear the bullet flipping/cutting through the knee deep grass all the way out to impact the 200 yard dirt berm....I walked out and recovered the bullet from against the berm....not a dent ding or deformation on it, besides the rifiling marks it looks like you could reload it again....If any interest in seeing it I can post a pic...

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