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Old 07-04-2007, 10:38 PM
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WhisperFan WhisperFan is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
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A sample letter for your consideration:

Dear Senator ___________________:

I am writing out of deep concern for the potential damage that new OSHA regulations could do to the ability of ordinary American's to exercise our 2nd Amendment rights. On April 13, 2007, OSHA published proposed regulations in the federal register that would substantially limit the ability of ordinary Americans to buy affordable ammunition for self-defense, sporting, and hunting. These regulations would place much greater restrictions on the storage of small arms ammunition, ammunition primers, and gun powder (black and smokeless). These restrictions among other things would substantially limit the amount of ammunition primers and gun powder available to gun owners due to new storage regulations on the individual, dealer and distributor level, and would drive up ammunition prices in excess of what many ordinary people can afford. These regulations would also increase prices by placing new restrictions on the practices of ammunition plants and common carriers that ship ammunition and ammunition related supplies. Finally OSHA's regulation of ammunition, powder and primers would also create new training and employee licensing requirements which would add even greater costs at all levels.

As I understand it, this proposed set of regulations is in the comment period with proposed final regulations to come shortly. You can find the proposed regulations in the federal register [Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 71 / Friday, April 13, 2007 / Proposed Rules (pages 18792-18845)]. Comment period will end on July 12, 2007.

Although I do not find my self a supporter of the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms in many cases, the BATF&E's regulations are more than adequate in the regulation of ammunition, primers, smokless and black powder. OSHA's proposal for new regulations/restriction does not cite a single instance of danger to the public or employees that has resulted from the current system regulating ammunition, primers, and gun powder. This lack of citation to previous incidents resulting from improper storage of these materials is not an oversight. There have in fact been no significant recent instances of injuries nationwide as a result of current ammunition, powder and primer storage procedures. There is no need for yet another level of federal restriction on ammunition in the United States. Such restrictions are an end run around the legislative process and could never be approved by a vote of Congress.

Please do everything you can to prevent this federal agency from making it even more difficult for ordinary Americans to exercise their 2nd Amendment Rights. These new regulations are simply unacceptable.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.


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