Thread: 338 whisper fal
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Old 01-10-2005, 10:10 AM
Greywuuf Greywuuf is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Alaska
Posts: 66
First off I would wonder what the expected results for the gun would be ? The Fal is a fine platform as a battle rifle, and some of them are quite capable of Good accuracy. They are of a rear locking tilting bolt design and can not be expected to be a prescision weapon. The gas system is designed to leak , there are new parts to tighten up those area's that are not supposed to , but it vents all the ported gas out about an inch behind where it picks it up. I have personally built one in 358 win
( I put it on a short gas system ALA' DSA elite ) 16" carbine. I can say it is a hoot. It gets carried alot up here ( Alaska ) as my winter hunting rig.. it stands up to snomobile abuse well. I have considered doing one in 338br ( 338 whisper #1) but I never realy could figure out why I would want too. I dont forsee supressing the rifle and a carbine with a High BC long range bullet ? the two dont mix well.

I would love to hear about one if someone does it !

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