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Old 03-18-2007, 10:36 PM
redtazdog redtazdog is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 133
Iwas messin around trying to find a 220 to 240grn bullet that will expand for my 300 whisper,I found my custom bullet for hunting.

16 inch tc 300 whisper 1in8 twist
sier 220gn RN at 1050 fps through my chroni

I took a 4x4x2 chunk of aluminum to my drill press,
took a 1/8 drill bit and drilled a hole all the way through then
chucked a 5/16 bit and drilled 1 inch deep dropped a 220gn bullet
in the hole and replaced the
5/16 bit with a 5/64 bit then drilled a hole in the bullet
a little less than a halve inch deep.
lost 5gn a bullet of weight.
the bullet was snug to get out, but the 1/8 inch hole under the jig
is used to tap the bullet out.
dont move your jig or your custom hollow points will all differ.
and set your deph for drilling.

I loaded up 10 rounds shot 3 through the chroni 1062 fps average,
shot 4 into the swimming pool (deep end) and had good expansion
ok lets go kill something.

went wild pig hunting 2nd day found 5 pigs at 125 yards took my shot a pig went down.
could not find bullet, exit wound hole the size of a golf ball.
3rd day found more pigs at 175 yards took my shot and a pig fell then got up and ran into the deep bushes just 20 ft away.
OH CHIT! I was thinking the bullet failed at tha yardage.
I found the pig just 10 feet into the bush, thank you hollow point.
the exit hole was still about the size of a golf ball.

Elk season last year was the test.
3rd day got my elk at 160 yards, bullet went all the way through
with a exit hole the size of a golf ball again.
The Elk only took 3 steps and fell over,double lung shot did the trick.
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