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Old 03-16-2007, 11:10 AM
Mousehouse Mousehouse is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 15
I didn't read all of this topic so I hope I don't go over something that has already been discussed.

Since you are new to reloading I would get a single stage press and all of the accessories to go with it. Once you get use to loading I would then step up to the progressive loaders if you so desire. I use a progressive when I load my 9mm but still use my single stage press for everything else.

I like to do my loading in stages. I clean the brass first, then size and deprime. Once that is done I like to clean them again. When I get time to get back to the loading bench I prime everything I have ready. Then I sort the brass and store them in boxes or plastic bins with lids. When I get ready to load all I have to do is set up the powder measure with whatever powder I want to use and start loading. I like doing it this way and usually do all of my loading during the winter months. Unless I have a special round I am working on.
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