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Old 03-11-2007, 09:07 PM
tp555 tp555 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 162
I looked at the adds and it didn't say anything about gear drive. In any case I
don't think it matters.For a mill the important things are : power of the motor,size of work table, type of collets,usually r-8 for average mills.High speed is for soft materials like plastic or wood. If you are going to work with such soft
material then the higher speed might make a difference. I would be concerned with size of work table.The bigger the better. My mill is a standard 9x42 table.
It has a 3 phase motor with step pulleys for different speed.I don't have 3 phase electricity so I use a static converter.Works fine for over 10 years.What helps is accessories like a dro. Makes you job go a lot easier.regards.
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