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Old 03-04-2007, 08:27 AM
too_many_hobbies too_many_hobbies is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 45
Planning for next step...

I ended up with an AR-15 custom upper with Olympic Arms 16" barrel in 1 to 8 twist that I should have in a couple of weeks. As soon as I measure for correct OAL, I am going to load my subsonic test rounds with 9.2 grains of H110, Federal 205 primers, and Sierra 240 grain Match Kings.

Now, to plan for the next step...

I plan to test fire a few rounds before placing the sound suppressor on the barrel, checking for a stuck bullet each shot. How do I check for stabilization of the 240 grain bullet? Should I perform a specific test before placing the sound suppressor on the barrel to avoid a baffle strike?
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