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Old 01-04-2005, 08:08 PM
abyssdncr abyssdncr is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 36
Excellent, I'm happy to hear a little afirmation of my findings. It always feels weird trying a new load for this gun, because you're basically making it up as you go... I pulled all the rest of my 19.5 gr. loads and saved the BT's til I get a decent load figured out. I've been meaning to snag a few hundred of the Remington 125 sp for some cheap load development, but haven't got around to it yet.

This weekend though, at the last gun show, I broke down and bought a lb. of H4227 and a couple hundred 147 Winchester FMJs to plink with. I basically copied load data for the 146 gr. .357 Mag. I got four sets of 10 loaded up at 14.5, 15.0, 15.5, & 16.0 grains of H4227. Weather got too nasty to shoot on Sunday, and then I got a crazy hair up my rear that's got me stripping my upper apart and sending the barrel off for some gunsmithing. I guess I'll see how they shoot in a couple weeks. Gotta say though, I do like working with the extruded powders much more than the H110. My case of Rem 7 1/2 primers should be waiting at the shop for me now. Guess we'll see if that makes any difference either.

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