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Old 02-14-2007, 01:24 AM
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ShuckersFan ShuckersFan is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Murphy, TX
Posts: 25
There are lots of options. You can get started with a Lee Anniversary set for $70. I started with this one:
It's a little sturdier then the one QB suggested and it's on sale right now so it's just as cheap. You need to be very careful, it's highly addictive. I started with a the single stage RockChucker kit. Now I've got it, a turret press, 2 progressive presses, and 2 shotgun presses. Started with a six foot long bench and had to make another to go with it. Keith Davis sells reformed brass on this site. If you plan on reforming brass, you need a real solid press to do it like the one in the link I posted or the one QB did. One of the real cheap ones won't stand up to it very well.
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