Thread: Building jig
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Old 02-13-2007, 10:36 PM
swordfish swordfish is offline
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Building jig

I am building a 555 jig and am in the process of building the outer die.After reading all that I can find on making the die I have put the old receiver part salvaged from the rear trunion on the inter die i have discovered that my org. receiver is different from the specs that I have found. One post said 1.38 is perfect for the outer die. My org receiver is 1.52. I also found that I have a .075 clearence under the top rail and the die. My question is do you make the jig fit the orig. receiver OR do you make it per internet specs because that is what works with tapco flats. Are AK's so loose that these tolerences are acceptable. I am building a romey (first build). At this point all options are open. I need some help from someone that has done this. Thanks
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