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Old 02-03-2007, 12:16 AM
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keith__davis keith__davis is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 34
Brass troubles !!!!

Hey, David Davis here you got the brass from me and i need to make this right but not sure its a brass problem, I got your messgae and you resized it ?? that should do it, but given your bullets are pulling out of the case tells me that its your chamber. I'll send you more brass free of charge that has been checked in a SSK Inc. headspace gage just the brass you have has been. if you think it will help. Also you said you have a gunsmith looking at it, I'm willling to loan you a set of reamers and headspace gages for him to clean up the chamber or I'm willing to do it for you. But you got the brass from me and I'm feeling bad about this, drop me an email, I'll do what ever i can to help.
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