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Old 01-20-2007, 09:54 PM
Barsmash Barsmash is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 13
Suppressor question

I have a 45 ACP and a 308 suppressor both from gem-tech and I would like to put one of them on my ruger 10/22 with a bull barrel. I know they can handle a 22lr round but my question is this. Would one be quieter then the other one? I really do not feel like getting another government permit for a .223 or .22lr suppressor at $200 a pop. Any one out there can help me? I know that eater one will help but is one going to be better then the other? I have a gunsmith that can thread the barrel for either one I just have to let him know witch one I want to put on. He did not know if one was better then the other. So I thought I would ask you guys. Thanks
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