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Old 12-07-2006, 03:17 PM
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Quarterbore Quarterbore is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Valley Forge, PA
Posts: 1,598
I think I have finally got a Narrow Font 4th Gen Phrobis M9!

I have been watching for one of these for over a year and either the photos were not good enough for me to tell or I just have not been watching the right time but I was using the ebay links off and I found this baby listed:

USGI M9 M-9 Army issue Buck bayonet

Well, looking at the following image in this auction I believe this to be a Narrow Font 4th Generation Phrobis. One of the last Phrobis M9s I needed for my collection

You can compare the photos to my Wide Font 4th Generation Phrobis in the following photo or on the photoserver here

I hope I am right on this one but if I am wrong I will know as soon as I have the bayonets beside each other.

Last edited by Quarterbore; 12-07-2006 at 03:23 PM.
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