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Old 11-12-2006, 10:13 AM
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keith__davis keith__davis is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 34
Headspace, firing pin depth !! Maybe

Hey Clay,

Your the third people i have send have the same trouble with the CZ guns, given your shooting my brass i feel compelled to help make this right, couple things if the head space is off just a little the cased would go to fare into the chamber would only take a few thousands, and i think your firing pin spring is ok if it works some of the time, i would thing of setting the shoulder of the firing pin back a few thousnads to let it travel deeper, I can send you a set of headspace gages and have you check headspace very easily done, or chuck up your firing pin and set the shoulder back a few thousands, let me do a little pit of research, I'll get back with you on it.
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