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Old 10-17-2006, 09:53 AM
Lawfficer Lawfficer is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 37
300/221 Recipe for AR

I just bought an AR15 upper in 300/221 a/k/a 300 Whisper to mount on my Colt 6920 from Olympic Arms. I don't have very much reloading expirance at all, mostly shotguns. However, I have a friend that Im going to force into labor for me, He does have quite a bit of loading expirance.

So I need a recipe for a 300/221-300 whiper to be used in an AR15. I have two powders to use, Red Dot or Hogdgon 110. I guess Red Dot is a shotgun powder but on Accurate Reloading they used it. But it seems Hogdgon 110 is a pretty popular powder to load 300/221 with.

I will be using .223 brass resized but I also have .221 Fireball brass. The primers are the standard 205M and the bullet I want to use are Speer 165gr JSP. Im looking for OAL, Powder Charge, etc.

Thanks a bunch!!
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