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Old 10-05-2006, 06:37 AM
Greywuuf Greywuuf is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Alaska
Posts: 66
about the brass in the face

you can always cut down some 45 win mag or neck ream some .308 brass and stoke the load up and do like I do ... it just flings the brass over your head out into the parking lot behind you!

and just FYI I "think" the "standard" spring rate on a gvmt model is 18 lbs, unless it is broke in real good I doubt it would even cycle reliable with a 20 lb spring... wolf makes em about any way you could want them, I have a 28lb spring on hand just in case I wanna get froggy with some very interesting handloads ( don't try this at home it can be very painful and expensive... it was a little research project I was running)

seriously ...shoot it some and settle on a type/brand of ammo you like match the spring to that and just enjoy it. a 1911 is a grand old sidearm and quite the fun way to spend an afternoon.
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