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Old 08-07-2006, 02:10 AM
prebancolt prebancolt is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 49
Congratulations on a good deal!!! It looks very nice. I own 4 1911s, 1 Colt Commander in 9mm, 2 loaded Springfields, and a Kimber Custom Compact. The Kimber has the smoothest slide/frame fit and trigger pull. That being said, I have short fingers and I really like the extended safety and slide release that I have on my Springfields. They all are great guns.

I've owned 3 Glocks and I just can't get used to the grip angle. After shooting the 1911s a lot, I kept pointing the Glocks at the sky. They're all gone now. Unless YOU feel the need for the bobbed hammer, longer beavertail grip safety, extended safety and slide releases, or the humped mainspring housing, I would keep everything as it is.

You'll be happy with that purchase!

I'm guessing a 1911 newbie owned that gun. After putting slide release scratches like that on my first one, I found a better way of just jamming the slide release in and forcing it past the detent.


Last edited by prebancolt; 08-07-2006 at 02:18 AM.
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