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Old 12-14-2004, 08:50 PM
300whisper_newbie 300whisper_newbie is offline
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My favorite deer caliber - .25-06

Ole Miss Rebel Wrote :
:D Hello everyone! I just wanted to say that the .25-06 is my favorite deer caliber. I have shot deer with cartridges ranging from the .243 Win. up to the .300 Win. Mag., but I have only begun using the .25-06 during the past couple of years. I regret it having taken so long for me to discover this cartridge, but I really enjoy hunting with it.

This is just my opinion, but I don't think the .25-06 gives up anything to the great .270 Win. for whitetail only hunting. I don't want to start a heated argument, but it would be interesting to hear the opinions of others on this comparison.

The .25-06 I have presently is a Browning BAR Safari with the 22" barrel. Since it is a semi-auto, I prefer to use factory loads for hunting. The ones I used last year were the Win. 120 gr. Positive Expanding Point. They were shooting 3 shots into 1.5 inches at 100 yards, and bullet performance was excellent on the 2 deer I shot with this bullet last year.

I am thinking about trying some of the Rem. 120 gr. core-lockts, just to see if they shoot better. I would be interested in hearing the opinions of others regarding this factory load.

Thanks for any help, and I hope this forum really takes off.

Ole Miss Rebel :D
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