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Old 12-24-2013, 03:00 PM
MMA10mm MMA10mm is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 28
Quarterbore Forum dead?

This is the first time I've been able to log on in months here.

I had to take quite a circuitous route to get here at that. Tried to get on with my iPad and both and were "server not responding." Tried logging on with my Android phone and same message. Tried logging on with my home computer and no go. Finally used this laptop and I was able to get onto by following the link when I googled "300 Whisper load data". Still couldn't get onto .net directly (tried typing it in the address bar). Went back to .com and clicked on the link to "300 Whisper pages" and then clicked on the link to the "300 Whisper forums", which took me to the Knife forums. Only by clicking on the link to "quarterbore's forums" (one level up) from the knife forums, was I able to see the 300 Whisper forums and eventually get to the front office here. Looks like little to no activity here for months...

This is the best 300 Whisper/300 Blackout forum on the net (thanks to no commercial connections - allowing free exchange of information), and it's nearly impossible to get to...

I'm hoping you are still around and monitoring things quarterbore. Can you fix this so this place gets the traffic again?

I'm curious - Does anyone even see this?

If you found and read this, please e-mail me at:
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